Episode #38: February 1991 – The Silence of the Lambs, The Adventures of Pete & Pete, & The Today Show

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Join Andrew and Brandon as they journey to February 1991, but first they take a pitstop in today, talking about the upcoming Paramount+ reboots of Fraiser and iCarly, as well as Andrew’s strange interactions with Starbucks personnel. Andrew asks Brandon to describe the 1991 classic The Silence of the Lambs to him in 30 seconds and then they try to remember the best quotes from the movie Andrew has never seen. Brandon takes another trip down memory lane to talk about The Adventures of Pete & Pete, his beloved childhood show. Finally they end by Brandon confessing he’s a Today Show stan while Andrew was a GMA guy.

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Pixelland by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4222-pixelland
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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Episode 38